The fish now make their appearance! And after the work spent making them (They did actually take quite a long time!), they swim on for a grant total of... well... not even a second. Nonetheless; I added bones to them and built in a nice swimming motion. Some think they need to be on the stage longer... but personally I feel thay do the job perfectly. Any longer and it might detract from the focus of the video (DiscoverBot!)
The end simply had DiscoverBot gently floating/drifting in the water (Really simple to do. Just set a movement over something like 50 frames and the motion will drift ever so slowly and take care of it for you!) Add to this a Discovery Channel sign gently floating down onto the stage and we're finished. As a nice little touch; I had the panel bouncing off of DiscoverBot's head. Why not?
And that's it ladies and gentlemen! The 3 idents complete and all set for viewing! I'm now going to see if I can get the videos uploaded for you lovely people to be able to view. They're quite big so I'm not too sure. Let's give them a shot anyway!
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