Sunday, 16 November 2008

Assignment - June - Phase 5 : Jellyfish

Ah, jellyfishing... the favourite sport of Spongebob Squarepants... for no particular reason at all; a jellyfish seemed a nifty addition to the scene. After all... why not?

Starting with a commonly-seen friend (You know the ones. The one you see all to often and soon get secretly sick of), an editable sphere formed the basis for this one. However, instead of the normal routine of pulling the vertices out... I basically pushed half of it in on itself. There is a reason for this, rather than hemisphering it...

Pulling the edges a little bit more to create more of a flowing jelly-like body... I had the main head of the jellyfish done. Time to test out a few textures on it... translucent shader with opacity turned down low. And there's the result! Now you can see why I pushed it in on itself: The inner segment added a little bit more to the translucency, and helped to create more of a strange pattern, than just a see-through dome.

A sphere that had the vertices pushed about here, there and everywhere and generally made a complete mess of; formed a nice blob for the 'innards' of the jellyfish. Blast that with some translucent shader and...

There we go! A luminous inside of a jellyfish. That's pretty much the top part taken care of. All that's left is the tentacles.

These were made a lot like the coral branches from a few posts ago. A single cylinder, filled with several bones. To save a bit of time, the tentacles were cloned after the first one had been curved and made into a more naturalistic tentacle shape. This helped save a lot of fiddling about afterwards!

And there it is! With the tentacles now blasted with a bit of TurboSmooth, the jellyfish was all set to make its home in the watery depths being constructed for it.

And there it is! The textures were worked on since it was placed into the scene. The dome worked a lot better with a magenta tinge to it. And that's the bottom half of the scene taken care of!

Now this is jumping ahead a bit. I'm afraid this was one of those "Let's try this out.. oh WOW! I'm keeping that!" moments. The clam was textured with a few simple patterns (Running a long similar lines to the coral), and a few bubbles were also made (Spheres coated with a texture that had 0 opacity and a high specular level)

I also wanted to give lighting a quick test. So, in a similar style to previous images, I placed a couple of 'omni' lights around to give the whole scene some light, and created a spotlight to act as the main source of lighting for the scene. All the lights were given a blue tint to them, as well as the environment light being given a turquoise edge. In addition, some volume fog was also added (Albeit very little. Around 0% Near - 34% far, if my memory serves me well). Not bad for a quick playabout...

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